

With Hop Butcher for the World. Hop Butcher decided to dip their toe into the world of food controversies with this great Chicago debate. Ketchup or no ketchup on your hot dog. We found we agreed. Whether you agree or disagree I think we can all come together around this hop combo of Citra, Nelson Sauvin, Cashmere, and Pacific Sunrise. (8.2%)

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#Noketchup Imperial India Pale Ale (8.2%) Wth Hop Butcher for the World. Hop Butcher decided to dip their toe into the world of food controversies with this great Chicago debate. Ketchup or no ketchup on your hot dog. We found we agreed. Whether you agree or disagree I think we can all come together around this hop combo of Citra, Nelson Sauvin, Cashmere, and Pacific Sunrise.